Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Wisdom of God
God gives us lots of decisions to make, and doesn’t always give specific guidance in his word on how to…
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Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Living Hope
This is not just a good story, it’s not an opinion, it’s not a metaphor, it’s not a myth, it…
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Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Why do we rest?
Work is a good thing, but like all good things, it can become an idol. God, in his mercy towards…
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Dunntown Advent Christian Church
How do we work?
What does the Bible tell us about how we should do the work that God has given us? Does it…
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Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Ambassadors of Reconciliation
2 Corinthians 5:11-21 As believers, we are blessed to be a blessing; you have been reconciled to God – will…
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Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Make Disciples
What does it mean to Make Disciples?
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Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Love God
What does it mean for us to Love God?
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Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Love Others
What does it mean for us to Love Others?
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