Dunntown Advent Christian Church
The Sincere Kingdom
Simon believed, but he didn’t have faith; he saw God as a means to an end, rather than an end…
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Dunntown Advent Christian Church
The Unified Kingdom
The way the Holy Spirit was poured out on these new Samaritan believers made it clear that God was fulfilling…
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Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Kingdom Persecution
Nothing can stop the advancement of the kingdom of Heaven – no matter how much the church has been persecuted…
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Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Kingdom Vision
When we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, then our suffering will be kept in the proper perspective, and we…
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Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Kingdom Promises
The faith that we are called to isn’t one that depends on buildings or rules or structures, but it depends…
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Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Kingdom Light
When dragged before the council, Stephen’s light shone even in the face of the darkness of their hearts. We too…
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Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Christ for You
Jesus was born, but who is Jesus, and why is his birth important?
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Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Love in Christ
We were created to live in the love of God, and on the day that Jesus comes back, all of…
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Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Joy in Christ
The story of God’s world began in joy, but we turned away from his joy and were left with fear,…
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Dunntown Advent Christian Church
Peace in Christ
The story that God is telling in the world is one of a creation that was made in peace, but…
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